Design is central to a website when you need maximum conversion from it. Whether it is color scheme, content placement, call for action or ease of navigation, everything revolves around the design. Here are 7 tips to aid you in designing a website optimised for maximum conversions:
A picture speaks more than a thousand words: Images are a power source for subliminal suggestions. Choose and image or graphic that instantly conveys the message/feeling you’re trying to send. Use graphics that get the effect you’re after. Don’t use imagery only because it looks good.
Showcase the Product: Whether selling a product or a service make sure you tangibalise it by showing as many images of it as possible. Even it is a software, don’t shy from showing screenshots. This bridges the gap between a physical store and a virtual experience and encourages the user to buy.
KISS – Keep It Simple Silly: The more options you give, the more time it might take for someone to convert. Keep the design simple and minimal. Prevent Choice Paralysis by –Making it easier for a user to find the right product/service, Simply explain how each option is great and which would be the best choice for them, Make suggestions regarding which ones they can choose like most popular, cheapest choice, fastest etc.
Induce Trials: Give the user an option to try a product for free for sometime to induce trial. Chances are the user will come back and buy it as his/her dependence grows on it. Use what is called a “freemium” business model, which allows a user to use the free features of a product and once he starts to rely on it he can pay for the premium features.
Call for Action: Benefits, not features, sell products. Always remember this mantra in designing graphics and copy. Use AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) a well-known strategy in sales for guiding and structuring your sales pitch. Align items in a liner manner that will flow, guide the eyes so that your visitors doesn’t miss anything.
Design elements as per Gutenberg Rule: Users normally don’t read, they scan. Our eye gazes a page from top left to bottom right in a ‘Z’ formation.The bottom left area of the page will get least attention and our glance would end up in the lower right portion of the page.
Minimal Color Scheme: Use few but vibrant colors to highlight some specific elements of the site which you’d like to point users’ attention to. Try and use one dominant vibrant color for links, buttons and clickable elements, another for important information and a light color for the rest of the content.